Monday, November 29, 2010

NaNoWriMo: I Did It!

It's not really, really done, but it's a complete story. And it needs edits, reworking and a lot of TLC. But NaNoWrimo is about quantity and I passed the 50,000 word mark.

I will admit, I had to "cheat" a little because Microsoft Word said "50,057" and NanNoWrimo decided that was 49,996. So the end of my novel says, "And to make myself an official participant, this is the end of my novel. Thank you, Nanowrimo."

But the good news is and what really matters is, I did it. So, for now, I'm taking a break, enjoying the holidays and hoping come January, I'll feel the desire to go back and edit it so I feel like its shareable with others.

Thanks to all who gave me such great support!
I did it!!!!!!

To prove I did it, here's my certificate:

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