fried pickles. oh yeah. |
- I'm a twenty-something (nearly thirty-something).
- I have a wonderful cat who loves to cuddle. His name is Henry.
- I recently adopted a beautiful dog, a Labrador-Golden Retriever mix and named her Lucy Rose. Her middle name honors our family dog growing
up, Maggie Rose, a yellow Labrador. - I have two siblings. I'm the oldest. I also have a sister-in-law.
- I like to cook. I like to bake. I consider myself to be fairly good at both.
- Nothing makes me happier than the Minnesota State Fair (see picture to right: my sister and me and fried pickles.)
- I love to read.
- I love my career field (marketing/pr).
- I'm addicted to too many TV shows for my own good.
- I think Netflix is a wonderful invention.
- I really like Facebook.
- I only kind-of like Twitter, but I'm trying to develop a relationship with it.
- I have written a novel in a month for NaNoWrimo.
- I have never and will never run a marathon.
- I love all four seasons and only consider them to be seasons when they are distinct.
- That's because I live in Minnesota. We get warm, wet springs; hot, humid summers; cool, colorful fall days and white, freezing cold winters. They are all wonderful, including winter.
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