Saturday, April 13, 2013

finding the right words, finding the right space

So, the last time I posted to this blog was July 21, 2012. A lot has happened since then. That was shortly before I interviewed for my current job. That alone has been a huge (and wonderful) change. 

I'm nearly a full year older. Not sure if I'm much wiser. But I do know one thing. I'm trying to find out the right words for me to share in a social world. 

Ok, so truth be told, I'm on a kick. I'm newly inspired, renewed, refreshed about the social world. I've cared and actively played in social media basically since its inception. I try the new tools as they come out. Sometimes I break up with them, sometimes I come back to them. I think many people are like me in that Facebook is the only one I've been loyal to, and consistently used (addictively) since it came out. Thanks, Mark Zuckerberg. 

And here I am, 10 months after I've last posted and I am at this whole new place. In a place that I am so happy to be because I've just gone to an event that was honestly life changing. I didn't expect that. I hoped for Social Media Marketing World (my life-changing event) to be professionally helpful. I wanted to learn some great ideas to help me as I lead the development of our social media strategy at work. It was that. I got that out of it. It was wonderful, amazing speakers, smart people, all that you want out of a conference so you can come back and say it was worth the company's money to send you (and if it was good, hope they are willing to send you again.) 

This conference was so much more than that for me. I don't say it was life-changing lightly. But, it really was. I'm so inspired to think about what it means to be a public relations professional in the social space. I'm also excited to engaged in conversations in new ways and provide great thoughts. 

So, I suppose with that you'd think I'm about to announce this GREAT new blogging plan and that I promise to not take another ten-month hiatus. The truth is, I might. I'm not quite sure what to do with this blog. Quite simply, that's because I'm really active otherwise in the social space. 

And, it's a pretty big space... 

Let me share because I invite you to connect with me there while I figure this all out: 

Are you my friend or family member or someone I trust enough to let you in to a bit of my personal life? Well, then we are probably already Facebook friends. Otherwise, ask, but if I don't know you, I won't friend. Just being upfront. 

Are you interested in engaging in conversations around many things, but especially social media in the PR/marketing space? I'm dedicated to using Twitter to facilitate these conversations. I also love to cook, bake and read. Do you? TV? Movies? Let's see where this will take us. I want to network more broadly. I want to be part of a larger conversation, not just a lurker. 

I've been using Twitter a lot as a lurker. I've realized, while this works for some people, that's exactly why Twitter hasn't worked for me.If you've done Strengths Finder (or not), you'll understand what I mean when I say one of my strengths is "Input." I need to be a part of the conversation. And, I've realized I really need to use Twitter in its full capacity-- as a networking tool. 

So, want to network? Follow me. 

And, then there's the third of the big three. LinkedIn. At Social Media Marketing World, Guy Kawasaki described LinkedIn as where you "pimp yourself out." Thanks, Guy. That's about right. Want to "pimp"? I welcome conversations about communications/public relations and social media best practices. I'm here. 

So, yeah those are the big ones. And I'm having conversations (to varying degrees) in all those spaces. So, what do I talk about here? 

I could talk about books (as I've done before), but I'm on Goodreads (find me on there if you want.) And, I like that space for thinking about books and talking about books and looking for reviews on books. And to be frank, there are plenty of great book bloggers out there (including my friend Michelle). 

I could talk about recipes, but then, I don't really invent my own, so if you want some good recipe blogs, just message me. Or follow me onPinterest. Yum food. 

I could talk about social media, but follow me on Twitter or leave a comment and I'll suggest a list of people who are way smarter than me to give social insights. 

I could share photos. But I have a Tumblr blog I'm redoing to share photos of gratitude. I also am on Instagram (if you like whatever random photos, including many pet photos, that I want to share with the world). 

I have Vine. (Haven't used it yet.) I'm on YouTube (I haven't gone viral yet). 

I'm on FourSquare, but you don't need to know where I am unless you personally know me so don't really bother asking for my Four Square friendship. (Also, I haven't used it in a year and a half.) 

I'm on Google+. Guy Kawasaki says Google+ is a great space to talk about "passions." So, I don't use it much, but I'll try, OK? And, I'm going to try to connect with others with similar passions. So, yeah, if you want to connect, just ask. 

So now what? What do I have to add to the conversation? Those of you who know me and have ideas of what you want to hear (if anything), I am open to it. Otherwise, just find me on any of the aforementioned social networks. 

That's all for now. Thanks, friends. Comments welcome (but not expected.) 

And if I figure out how/what I want to be an awesome blogger about, I'll let you know. Writing is one of my passions, I just have to find the right thing to talk about. When I get there, if you're still hanging in there, you'll know. 

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