Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Starting on Nov. 1, I will begin a new adventure. NaNoWriMo, or to those unfamiliar, National Novel Writing Month. A dear friend did it last year, and another friend and I will each begin our own adventure in novel writing in just a few days.

The rules are pretty simple, but the challenge is still daunting. Participants are to write a 50,000 word novel within one month. (That's roughly 175 pages). The complete product must be published on NaNoWriMo's website by midnight on Nov. 30. For completion, I'll get the honor of a certificate. If I'm proud (and a wee bit arrogant), I'll self publish and share with my friends. I'm not that arrogant.

The Plot

My aim is to write a mystery. The loose plot will be the story of two women who were best friends growing up, but drifted apart as adults-- until secrets from one of the women's past brings them together.

Woman 1: stays in the hometown, gets married, just had her first child
Woman 2: moves to the "big city," follows her career, single and has found the career, but not the One

Woman 1 has just moved into her first home. The home she has purchased is the home where Woman 2, her childhood best friend, grew up.

While, for both women, the home is filled with memories of playing dolls and dress up, little did either know that the house also holds deep secrets that neither woman knew about.

Woman 2 will be brought back home to uncover the deep secrets that lie within her past. Who really were her parents? What were they involved in?  And, what does that make her? Was her move far away a subconscious attempt to escape a shameful past?

Secrets will bring the two women together again. But will they also tear them apart?

Why I am excited

What I love about NaNoWriMo is it is all about quantity, not quality. I am free to write without inhibition. What comes out, may be absolute, downright crap, but when done, I will have written a novel-- something I have always wanted to do.

Wish me luck!